

Alam Hijau has vast experience in conducting CHRA for various industries. As stated in section 9 of Occupational Safety and Health (Use and Standard of Exposure of Chemical Hazardous to Health) Regulation 2000. (USECHH reg.2000) An employer must make a written assessment of the risk created by the chemical used in workplace.

Based on USECHH Reg.2000. Employer should conduct Chemical Health Risk Assessment (CHRA) for all the chemicals which is hazardous to health. The Assessment Shall Carried out by a DOSH registered Assessor. Each Assessment Report valid for 5 Years.

The assessment shall cover –

  1. Potential risk to workers
  2. procedure of handling chemicals
  3. nature of hazard
  4. degree of exposure
  5. Risk to Health
  6. Control Measures – Engineering Control Equipment
  7. Necessity of Chemical exposure monitoring
  8. Necessity of Health Surveillance Programme
  9. Requirement of Training

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